Landings Profiling

KoboCollect - Landings Profiling

General Information

Question Answer Choices
Organization org_ref
Admin 1 landed admin1_ref
Admin 2 landed admin2_ref
Admin 3 landed admin3_ref
Data Collector Name data_collector_ref / New data collector name
Date Landed

Catch Information by Fisher

Question Answer Choices
Fisher Name fisher_ref / New fisher name
Fisher gender Male / Female / Nonbinary / Business comprising multiple people (no gender)
Does the fisher live in ${admin3_label}? Yes / No
Admin 1 where fisher is from: admin1_ref
Admin 2 where fisher is from: admin2_ref
Admin 3 where fisher is from: admin3_ref
How many hours a day were you actively fishing or gleaning? (not including travel time)
How many days were you actively fishing or gleaning? (not including travel time)
Landing Site Name landing_site_ref / New landing site name
Primary Fishing Ground fishing_ground_ref / New fishing ground name
Buyer name (if known) buyer_ref / New buyer name
Buyer gender Male / Female / Nonbinary / Business comprising multiple people (no gender)

Vessel Information

Question Answer Choices
Vessel type: Large Motorized > 15 HP / Small Motorized < 15 HP / Non-motorized with paddle / Non-motorized with sail / Motorized with sail /No boat, enters from the beach or land
Boat registration number (optional):
Number of fishing crew on same boat, including the main fisher ${fisher_id_label}: ${fisher_name_new}
Is ${fisher_id_label} ${fisher_name_new} the captain? Yes / No
Please select the other fishers on the vessel, NOT including the main fisher ${fisher_id_label}: ${fisher_name_new} fisher_ref / New fisher name
Please specify the new fisher name:
Please select the captain: fisher_ref
Is the catch being recorded the entire catch from the boat or ${fisher_id_label} ${fisher_name_new} share of the catch? Entire catch / Fisher’s share

Species landed by ${fisher_id_label}

Question Answer Choices
Type of catch *species_group_ref
Species Local Name (use species reference card, if needed) species_ref / New Species Local Name / *Please specify species in mixed bag (select multiple)
New Species Local Name
New Species: Species Group
New Species English Common Name (If known)
New Species Scientific Family Name (if known)
New Species Scientific Species Name (if known)
Add photo of new species.
Gear local name
Through which method do you use the spear? Compressor/Scuba Diving / Free Diving / Walking / Other
How many traps did you set/install?
Type of habitat fished Reef / Seagrass / Mangrove / Mud flat / Sand / Deep water / Other
Do you fish during spring tide or neap tide? *Spring tide (high tide) / Spring tide (low tide) / Neap tide (high tide) / Neap tide (low tide)
Please describe the bycatch, or other species caught. *
Setting time (hours) *
Do you use bait? *
Bait used (type/species): *
Bait/feed weight (kg) *

Species Information

Question Answer Choices
All species
Weight unit of catch kilograms (kg) / grams (g) / pounds (lbs) / ounces (oz)
Total weight of catch
Total count of catch
Total weight to be sold
Do you process this catch? *No / Dry / Salt / Smoke / Whole / Market clean/Partially processed / Filet / Tail / Fin
Total price of sold catch, local currency (estimated or actual)
Reason total catch not purchased/sold Bad quality / Too small / Too big / Kept for self / Other

Samples (${calc_local_name})

Question Answer Choices
Weight unit of catch kilograms (kg) / grams (g) / pounds (lbs) / ounces (oz)
Total number
Total weight of species
How many samples are you collecting for this species?
Weight unit for individual samples kilograms (kg) / grams (g) / pounds (lbs) / ounces (oz)
Sample 1: - Sample 10:
Sex Male / Female
Width (cm)
Mantle length (cm)
Carapace length (cm)
Carapace width (cm)
Individual total length (cm)
Individual weight

*Samples (${calc_local_name})

Question Answer Choices
*In addition to length/weight data, what other data are you collecting? *Length/Weight / Quality / Gonad / Stylet / Gonad maturity stage
How many samples are you collecting?
Weight unit for individual samples kilograms (kg) / grams (g) / pounds (lbs) / ounces (oz)
Sample 1: - Sample 10:
Sex Male / Female
Width (cm)
Mantle length (cm)
Carapace length (cm)
Carapace width (cm)
Individual total length (cm)
Individual weight (${weight_unit_samples})
*Gonad maturity stage White / Beige / Orange/Yellow / Dark yellow
Catch Quality - Octopus
*Was ice used for storage? No ice / Ice used during capture / Ice used during landing / Ice used during both capture and landing
*Octopus temperature (Celsius)
*Use the color card to determine the quantitative value for the color of octopus on a scale of 1-5. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
*Number of tentacles
*Physical abrasions? Yes / No
*Percent (%) of the surface of octopus with abrasions 0-20% / 20-40% / 40-60% / 60-80% / 80-100%
*Beak Beak whole, unbroken / Beak damaged, broken
*Skin Not torn / Torn, guts exposed
Catch Quality - Crab
*Is the crab still alive? Yes / No
*Are the eyes and body reactive to touch? Yes / No
*Are the eyes intact? Yes / No
*Are the claws intact? Yes / No, the claw is broken and does not reach the base / No, the claw is broken at the base
*How many legs are broken? None are broken / 1-3 broken / 4-6 broken
*Is the crab foaming at the mouth? Yes / No
Gonads - Octopus
*Gonad weight (g)
*Gonad colour - Male
*Gonad colour - Female
*Stage of Gonad - Male
*Stage of Gonad - Female
*Gonad length (cm)
*Appearance of spermatophore - Male
*Appearance of lines in ovary glands - Female
Stylet - Octopus
*The stylet ID for this sample is:

*Only applies to designated partners or countries.