Landings Monitoring

KoboCollect - Landings Monitoring

General Information on Landings

Question Answer Choices
Organization org_ref
Admin 1 landed admin1_ref
Admin 2 landed admin2_ref
Admin 3 landed admin3_ref
Data Collector Name data_collector_ref / New data collector name
Date Landed

Catch Information by Fisher

Question Answer Choices
Fisher Name fisher_ref / New fisher name
Fisher gender Male / Female / Nonbinary / Business comprising multiple people (no gender)
Does the fisher live in ${admin3_label}? Yes / No
Admin1 where fisher is from: admin1_ref
Admin 2 where fisher is from: admin2_ref
Admin 3 where fisher is from: admin3_ref
Number of days actively fishing or gleaning (not including travel time)
Landing Site Name landing_site_ref / New landing site name
Buyer name (if known) buyer_ref / New buyer name
Buyer gender Male / Female / Nonbinary / Business comprising multiple people (no gender)
Is the catch being recorded the entire catch from the boat or ${fisher_id_label} share of the catch? Entire catch / Fisher’s share

Species landed by ${fisher_id_label}

Question Answer Choices
Type of catch *species_group_ref
Species Local Name (use species reference card, if needed) species_ref / New Species Local Name / *Please specify species in mixed bag (select multiple)
New Species Local Name
New Species English Common Name (If known)
New Species Scientific Family Name (if known)
New Species Scientific Species Name (if known)
Add photo of new species.
Weight unit of catch kilograms (kg) / grams (g) / pounds (lbs) / ounces (oz)
Total weight (${weight_unit}) ${local_name_label}: ${local_name_new}
Total weight sold (estimated or actual) ${local_name_label}: ${local_name_new}
Total number: ${local_name_label}
Do you process this catch?
Total price of sold catch, local currency (estimated or actual): ${local_name_label}
Total weight sold (estimated or actual) ${local_name_label}: ${local_name_new}
Total number: ${local_name_label}
Do you process this catch? * Whole / Market clean/Partially processed / Filet / Tail / Fin // No / Dry / Salt / Smoke
Total price of sold catch, local currency (estimated or actual): ${local_name_label}
Reason total catch not purchased/sold Bad quality / Too small / Too big / Kept for self / Other

*Only applies to designated partners or countries.